The cats

As I count the months towards my plan of retiring in the Philippines, this afternoon I decided to check the requirements for taking the cats home with me.

Glad I did because I didn’t realize the form of importation has to come from the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) in Metro Manila. Right away I sent a message to my cousins asking them to secure the form for me. Am in luck because my one cousin goes near that office very often to play tennis in my alma mater’s campus and he immediately told me that he’ll act on it.

Prior to that I called our consulate to check if they have a form that I could pick up but they told me that the reason there’s a number on the form is just so I could talk to them. Government service at home has been consistently slow in the past and I certainly don’t want to spend too much time on the phone just to get to the right person especially that they are 13 hours ahead of where I am.

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12 Responses to The cats

  1. arlene says:

    I hope you’ll be able to bring them home. Good luck 🙂


  2. Lola Jane says:

    Do you know if they will have to be in quarantine? You will have a lot to do, especially to bring your household goods back home. Good luck with the big move!


  3. Sue Slaght says:

    Good luck with the paperwork. I hope it doesn’t become an issue.


  4. bebs1 says:

    I hope so too Arlene. People have brought home their pets so am optimistic.


  5. bebs1 says:

    Half of my furniture has already been shipped a couple of years ago Lola Jane. I read in one blog that Korean Airlines land in Manila during daylight so quarantine would not be a problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. bebs1 says:

    Thanks Sue. I hope not. That’s why am trying to research early. Next is to check the best airline where less documentation is required.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. arlene says:

    Malay mo naman, bihira ako nakakakita ng may breed na cats dito.


  8. bebs1 says:

    Arlene my cats are both mixed breeds which is better because there are restrictions in flying dogs and cats with flat noses like Himalayan or Persians or pugs. So they are not anything but ordinary but they’ve been with me since they were kittens so I can’t leave them behind and none of my cat-loving friends would take them because of their age and their front nails are intact.


  9. Amy says:

    Good lucky with you big move and all the paper work, Bebs!


  10. bebs1 says:

    Thanks Amy! I hope I won’t have any problems taking them home.


  11. arlene says:

    I hope they would adopt to the climate here.


  12. bebs1 says:

    They would be in Baguio Arlene so it would be perfect for them.

    Liked by 1 person

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