Santanians (of Ilocos Sur) Easter lunch

I thought it would be nice to invite my townmates for a get together, especially that Sir Romeo or Mr. Cablayan was coming. Although me and my youngest sister were the only two former students of his, the rest somehow, for a year or two, attended the same high school in our town. The afternoon was spent revisiting old times back home, recollecting old friends and classmates.

It was also nice to catch up with the new families – the young ones and granchildren, in the case of Manang Adoring, meeting also Mr. Cablayan’s family, Manang Tentay’s children. Although he came from a town further north (Sinait), he qualified as a Santanian, having taught there for six years. Easter was really a nice time to reconnect with each other and although it rained almost the whole day, that did not dampen our celebration.

May we have more get togethers to come.

(Another repost from Multiply – Easter 2006)

Update to this gallery: The lady in red top (Manang Adoring) passed away about 4 years ago. The family with a child has permanently moved to Northern California. Mr. Cablayan retired from his job last year. The rest still resides around Chicago.

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