Share your world: Week 26

Flowers at Berwyn Train Depot garden

Flowers at Berwyn Train Depot garden

Here are my responses to this week’s questions from Cee.

Is your refrigerator, organized or a mess inside?

My refrigerator has always been organized. I always try to keep up with expired condiments and I particularly don’t like keeping food for a long time. I am good at tossing old things away, especially with produce and cooked food.

If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?

I wish I have plenty of money to be able to help many people. So my dream is to be known for my generosity and help as much people as I can. I wish I could be a philanthropist.

What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?

I’d like to see Patagonia more than I would want to see Mt. Everest. I know my limitations so I want to think only what is achievable at my age. Oh on second thought, I’d like to ride in a balloon and view some beautiful sights from there.

Where do you eat breakfast?

During weekends always on a dining table – there is a dinette by the kitchen where we eat our meals, if it is just me or with my friend, if she wakes up early enough. We’ve always been taught as children to eat meals in the dining room but on a work week, I eat my roll in my room while listening to Public Radio news.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

It has been a very busy week and I have met two of my executives newly assigned to me. Am grateful that they seem to be very nice.

This week am looking forward to a long weekend. It will be a busy time with neighbors and friends. Birthday party and cherry picking in Michigan.

365 Project: Day 179

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4 Responses to Share your world: Week 26

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    I would love to ride in a hot air balloon. Thanks for sharing.


  2. bebs1 says:

    Won’t it be nice to view fields of flowers from above Cee?


  3. Amy says:

    I’d give exactly the same answers for #2 and #3 đŸ™‚


  4. bebs1 says:

    Thank you, I don’t feel so strange anymore.


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