Travel Theme: Strong


The only piers I knew before going to Sandbridge are the ones made for boats and ships. There are none of those here. This is a fishing wharf.

It gets very busy very early as people try to get a choice spot. For sure some of them were regulars as they gave me the eye when I was standing on a side they want. Lucky for them I was just visiting.

One can walk through underneath. The waves in Virginia Beach could be very strong but this hardly show any strain. It is in the open sea constantly battered by winds, current and all the elements.

My entry to Ailsa of Where’s My Backpack challenge for the week: Strong.

365 Project: Day 247

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6 Responses to Travel Theme: Strong

  1. Amy says:

    That is a cool shot! Great entry for the endurance.


  2. bebs1 says:

    Thank you Amy! You got me confused there for a second but you’re right, this should have been under “Endurance”. I really really thought about that before I wrote the title.


  3. restlessjo says:

    No matter where you put it, it’s a lovely shot, Bebs 🙂


  4. bebs1 says:

    Oh Jo, you are so generous with your compliment! Thank you!


  5. I wish I had the same opportunities to take pictures like you do and take them like you do, Lou! When are you coming back to NY? Fall is here and Central Park and its gorgeous leaves are waiting for you.. wait a couple of weeks more, though.


  6. bebs1 says:

    I wish I could come back before the year ends. Or Boston maybe, I’ve not been there. You have more meaningful things to do in life and Angelo is a wonderful photographer’s subject. You can be creative in taking his photos to protect his privacy. Thank you for your kind words.


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